For those of you who are new to my blog, it has become a tradition for me each December to share a few of my favorite things as I reflect on the past year. The title is named after the song in the famous movie, The Sound of Music. Then commercialized by Oprah, when she would give away gifts of her favorite things to the audience once a year. It was a fun show to watch and I did end up buying one of her favorite things which turned out to be the best clothes dryer I have ever owned! This year, I am going to tie the tradition to the most popular workshops of 2022:
Virtual workshops were created as an outcome of the pandemic. And this workshop in particular works as well, and possibly even better virtually than in person! Who knew? Not me, for sure, until we tried it. But that isn't the main reason why I choose this as one of my favorite things from 2022. It's what the virtual option allowed, what it opened up. The world! Being able to work with people all over the world was an amazing and humbling gift. It provided the fabulous opportunity to work with people from India to Brazil, Germany to Canada, Spain, Italy, Geneva, Mexico, name a few. There was even a participant from Poland, who was taking in refuges from Ukraine at the same time as the workshop.
I thought I knew change, from all that I have seen and been through, but wasn't sure if this workshop would still work with folks in the middle of and dealing the impacts of war. Which made it both a scary and amazing experience all at the same time. But it did work, and for that it is a most favorite thing from 2022.
Both this workshop and the Advanced Women Moving Forward® workshop were also a favorite thing of 2022. Not only because 2022 was when I completed my certification to teach Advanced, but mainly because the results these workshops produced. Below is a quote from a participant whose company I had the pleasure to work with over the past two years. This is a credit to the workshop graduates, the work they have done and the impact they have made:
"It is so exciting to see the changes happening at our company, and you have had a tremendous impact on the success women are seeing. There has been a noticeable shift on how leaders are viewing women and most importantly how women are viewing themselves. I love seeing the confidence everyone has and how they are impacting those around them. This includes:
- First ever female promotion to EVP!!
- In one year, two promotions! First to VP and then to SVP
- Award for one of the top 50 women leaders in our state
- Two more promotions to VP
- Kicked off Women with Purpose group (which already has highest number of members and most engagement among all company)"
So that's it! Top two favorite things tied to our most popular workshops for the year and the work participants produced. What a gift that is for me! For that I am grateful and want to thank all of you for being part of my life and my work. It is a joy to get to work with you.