If My Knees Could Talk (Part 2)

August 05, 2024

Blog Archives

Thank you! I loved getting your comments about my last blog: If My Knees Could Talk.

And as it turned out, they did - my knees could talk! It just took me a while to actually listen. And what I heard over the past fews months, as I continued to recover from knee surgery, was that I need to be patient. To listen to my body. To not keep pushing through. To recover at the pace I need to, vs some arbitrary timeline. To listen to my heart and soul and try to keep my mind from running all the time. Because when it does, it often runs to anxious places. The Voice in the Head.


That subtle voice in the head that keeps moving like a little stream. Sneaking its way wherever it finds a space to take some ground. Worrying about the future, or regrets about the past. My knee, my recovery, my fatigue, my schedule, my house, my chores, my health, my bills, my friends, my enemies. My husband, my marriage, my work, my relatives, my travel, my plans, my aging, my grief, my Mom, missing my Dad.

That little and never-ending winding stream. All stealing me away from the present. Can you relate? If so, how do you respond?

For me, the answer is simple but not easy. I try let go of the past as well as the future. And stay focused on today - who/what is right in front of me. Trying not to miss the goodness of each day and bring my best self to it.

A quote I recently read said:

"All the best stuff is in the present, the now."

If you are interested in learning more, check out this recent podcast: Mind of a Medalist, where cognitive scientist, Sian Beilock shares how focusing on the present can drive more joy and better results. And four-time Olympic medalist Dominique Dawes tells how she overcame mental challenges and still won gold.

So that is what my knees have taught me so far. To be more present. To be more patient. To better listen and respond to what my whole body is telling me. Today. And give myself some grace. Healing takes time.

Kate Johnson
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